by gaRis
Every Oscar Race has a Silver Lining
> It is what it is. So funny I am rewriting this after I had that brilliant idea to merge my nearly -completed piece with a blank document. I may use this as a metaphor, denoting my current state of intellectual affairs. Baffled, high and dry after our OFCS placed the gravestone on The Master s oscar grave. No abundant critical love=no shot at the Oscars. It was Argo that snatched the accolade. Seems like the movie waiting in the wings ready to scavenge Lincoln and Silver Linings Playbook (yes, yes) oscar- party leftovers. Since Zero Dark Thirty and Django Unchained were gunned down for endorsing CIA torture techniques and black slavery bloodbath extravaganza respectively, Silver Linings Playbook constitutes a legitimate threat for stealthy frontrunner Lincoln which while it has never been the Titanic or Slumdog Millionaire type of oscar movie, has consistently exhibited adequate steam to gallop until the end of maybe one of the more unpredictable races in a long while. Also noteworthy is the Life of Pi appearance in almost every top 10 list.
> Expect The Master out of the Best Picture and Best Director race. Likewise for arguably the best male performance of the year by Joaquin Phoenix. He scared’ em away man. I could see him and P.S. Hoffman win easily if only P.T. Anderson would play along the game by the(ir) rules and focus his story on Lancaster Todd and The Cause. Hoffman lead, Phoenix Supporting, end of story. Now D.D. Lewis can officially rehearse his acceptance speech, there’s no denying that for nobody else could really be a threat, just happy to be there too. Moving forward, there are films that have greatly benefitted from a series of industry/critics’ accolades; Amour, Moonrise kingdom and Beasts of the southern Wild enjoyed a galore of recognition, joined lately by Skyfall which could be the first Bond movie in 50 years to knock on oscar heaven’s door in the big categories.
> This time I had my first real opportunity to observe major below the radar oscar activity which enforce the condescending theory that it’s all about not if you deserve it but only about how much they like you in Hollywood. Sally Field, Helen Miren, Naomi Watts, Maggie Smith, mucho mucho likey. Quvenzhane Wallis, you little adorable genius, I see you standing on the ledge of oscar glory, ready to go down in history as a major SHOULD win. The shaky and far from bulletproof Academy voting system took a major blow this year, in an effort to move to e-voting with hilarious results. The voting deadline extension by a single day sowed apparent signs of panic which might be construed as source of unpredictable membership choices in a hyper-abbreviated consideration period.
Just a few hours away from that awkward moment when new host Seth MacFarlane (Ted/Family Guy) will unseal the magic envelop accompanied by adorable ingénue Emma Stone, I am going out on a limb omitting any alternative picks from my noms predictions’ final lists. We are playing this game for little too long to select otherwise. There are no real surprises anymore after months of knit-picking and spotting every possible Oscar candidate in every single movie released throughout the year. Oscar pundit is the latest film trend – almost a genre, in times that media outlets are digging for controversy where the real burden is to give films that they’ll stand the test of time their real due. So, here we go again:
> Expect The Master out of the Best Picture and Best Director race. Likewise for arguably the best male performance of the year by Joaquin Phoenix. He scared’ em away man. I could see him and P.S. Hoffman win easily if only P.T. Anderson would play along the game by the(ir) rules and focus his story on Lancaster Todd and The Cause. Hoffman lead, Phoenix Supporting, end of story. Now D.D. Lewis can officially rehearse his acceptance speech, there’s no denying that for nobody else could really be a threat, just happy to be there too. Moving forward, there are films that have greatly benefitted from a series of industry/critics’ accolades; Amour, Moonrise kingdom and Beasts of the southern Wild enjoyed a galore of recognition, joined lately by Skyfall which could be the first Bond movie in 50 years to knock on oscar heaven’s door in the big categories.
> This time I had my first real opportunity to observe major below the radar oscar activity which enforce the condescending theory that it’s all about not if you deserve it but only about how much they like you in Hollywood. Sally Field, Helen Miren, Naomi Watts, Maggie Smith, mucho mucho likey. Quvenzhane Wallis, you little adorable genius, I see you standing on the ledge of oscar glory, ready to go down in history as a major SHOULD win. The shaky and far from bulletproof Academy voting system took a major blow this year, in an effort to move to e-voting with hilarious results. The voting deadline extension by a single day sowed apparent signs of panic which might be construed as source of unpredictable membership choices in a hyper-abbreviated consideration period.
Just a few hours away from that awkward moment when new host Seth MacFarlane (Ted/Family Guy) will unseal the magic envelop accompanied by adorable ingénue Emma Stone, I am going out on a limb omitting any alternative picks from my noms predictions’ final lists. We are playing this game for little too long to select otherwise. There are no real surprises anymore after months of knit-picking and spotting every possible Oscar candidate in every single movie released throughout the year. Oscar pundit is the latest film trend – almost a genre, in times that media outlets are digging for controversy where the real burden is to give films that they’ll stand the test of time their real due. So, here we go again:

Best Picture
1. Lincoln
2. Silver Linings Playbook
3. Argo
4. Zero Dark Thirty
5. Life of Pi
6. Django Unchained
7. Les Miserables
8. Amour
9. Beasts of the southern Wild
10. Moonrise kingdom
Best Director
1. S. Spielberg (Lincoln)
2. K. Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty)
3. Ben Affleck (Argo)
4. D. O’ Russell (Silver Linings Playbook)
5. Ang Lee (Life of Pi)
Best Actor
1. D. D. Lewis (Lincoln)
2. B. Cooper (Silver Linings Playbook)
3. H. Jackman (Les Miserables)
4. D. Washington (Flight)
5. J. Hawkes (The Sessions)
Best Supporting Actor
1. T.L. Jones (Lincoln)
2. P.S. Hoffman (The Master)
3. R. DeNiro (Silver Linings Playbook)
4. A. Arkin (Argo)
5. M. McConaughey (Magic Mike)
Best Actress
1. J. Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)
2. Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
3. Marion Cotillard (Rust and Bone)
4. E. Riva (Amour)
5. Naomi Watts (The Impossible)
Best Supporting Actress
1. A. Hathaway (Les Miserables)
2. S. Field (Lincoln)
3. H. Hunt (The Sessions)
4. N. Kidman (The Paperboy)
5. Amy Adams (The Master)
Best Adapted Screenplay
1. Lincoln
2. Silver Linings Playbook
3. Argo
4. Beasts of the southern Wild
5. Perks of being a Wallflower
Best Original Screenplay
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Django Unchained
3. Moonrise kingdom
4. Amour
5. The Master
Best Animated Feature
1. Frankenweenie
2. Brave
3. Wreck-it Ralph
4. Paranorman
5. Rise of the Guardians
Best Documentary Feature
1. Searching for Sugar Man
2. The Gatekeepers
3. How to Survive a Plaque
4. Bully
5. The Imposter
Best Foreign Language Feature
1. Austria -Amour
2. France - The Intouchables
3. Denmark – A Royal Affair
4. Canada – War Witch
5. Romania – Beyond the Hills
Best Cinematography
1. Life of Pi
2. Skyfall
3. Zero Dark Thirty
4. Lincoln
5. The Master
Best Costume Design
1. Les Miserables
2. Anna Karenina
3. Lincoln
4. A Royal Affair
5. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Best Film Editing
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Argo
3. Lincoln
4. Silver Linings Playbook
5. The Master
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
1. Men in Black 3
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
3. Lincoln
Best Original Score
1. Lincoln
2. Beasts of the southern Wild
3. Life of Pi
4. Argo
5. The Master
Best Production Design
1. Les Miserables
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
3. Anna Karenina
4. Life of Pi
5. Lincoln
Best Sound Editing
1. Les Miserables
2. Skyfall
3. Django Unchained
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Zero Dark Thirty
Best Sound Mixing
1. Les Miserables
2. Argo
3. Zero Dark Thirty
4. The Avengers
5. The Impossible
Best Visual Effects
1. Life of Pi
2. Cloud Atlas
3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. The Avengers
NOMINATIONS TALLY (more than 1 per film)
Lincoln: 12
Zero Dark Thirty: 8
Silver Linings Playbook: 7
Les Miserables: 7
Argo: 6
The Master: 6
Life of Pi: 5
Amour: 4
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: 4
Beasts of the southern Wild: 3
Django Unchained: 3
Moonrise kingdom: 2
Skyfall: 2
The Avengers: 2
Anna Karenina: 2
A Royal Affair: 2
The Dark Knight Rises: 2
1. Lincoln
2. Silver Linings Playbook
3. Argo
4. Zero Dark Thirty
5. Life of Pi
6. Django Unchained
7. Les Miserables
8. Amour
9. Beasts of the southern Wild
10. Moonrise kingdom
Best Director
1. S. Spielberg (Lincoln)
2. K. Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty)
3. Ben Affleck (Argo)
4. D. O’ Russell (Silver Linings Playbook)
5. Ang Lee (Life of Pi)
Best Actor
1. D. D. Lewis (Lincoln)
2. B. Cooper (Silver Linings Playbook)
3. H. Jackman (Les Miserables)
4. D. Washington (Flight)
5. J. Hawkes (The Sessions)
Best Supporting Actor
1. T.L. Jones (Lincoln)
2. P.S. Hoffman (The Master)
3. R. DeNiro (Silver Linings Playbook)
4. A. Arkin (Argo)
5. M. McConaughey (Magic Mike)
Best Actress
1. J. Lawrence (Silver Linings Playbook)
2. Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty)
3. Marion Cotillard (Rust and Bone)
4. E. Riva (Amour)
5. Naomi Watts (The Impossible)
Best Supporting Actress
1. A. Hathaway (Les Miserables)
2. S. Field (Lincoln)
3. H. Hunt (The Sessions)
4. N. Kidman (The Paperboy)
5. Amy Adams (The Master)
Best Adapted Screenplay
1. Lincoln
2. Silver Linings Playbook
3. Argo
4. Beasts of the southern Wild
5. Perks of being a Wallflower
Best Original Screenplay
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Django Unchained
3. Moonrise kingdom
4. Amour
5. The Master
Best Animated Feature
1. Frankenweenie
2. Brave
3. Wreck-it Ralph
4. Paranorman
5. Rise of the Guardians
Best Documentary Feature
1. Searching for Sugar Man
2. The Gatekeepers
3. How to Survive a Plaque
4. Bully
5. The Imposter
Best Foreign Language Feature
1. Austria -Amour
2. France - The Intouchables
3. Denmark – A Royal Affair
4. Canada – War Witch
5. Romania – Beyond the Hills
Best Cinematography
1. Life of Pi
2. Skyfall
3. Zero Dark Thirty
4. Lincoln
5. The Master
Best Costume Design
1. Les Miserables
2. Anna Karenina
3. Lincoln
4. A Royal Affair
5. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Best Film Editing
1. Zero Dark Thirty
2. Argo
3. Lincoln
4. Silver Linings Playbook
5. The Master
Best Makeup and Hairstyling
1. Men in Black 3
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
3. Lincoln
Best Original Score
1. Lincoln
2. Beasts of the southern Wild
3. Life of Pi
4. Argo
5. The Master
Best Production Design
1. Les Miserables
2. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
3. Anna Karenina
4. Life of Pi
5. Lincoln
Best Sound Editing
1. Les Miserables
2. Skyfall
3. Django Unchained
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. Zero Dark Thirty
Best Sound Mixing
1. Les Miserables
2. Argo
3. Zero Dark Thirty
4. The Avengers
5. The Impossible
Best Visual Effects
1. Life of Pi
2. Cloud Atlas
3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
4. The Dark Knight Rises
5. The Avengers
NOMINATIONS TALLY (more than 1 per film)
Lincoln: 12
Zero Dark Thirty: 8
Silver Linings Playbook: 7
Les Miserables: 7
Argo: 6
The Master: 6
Life of Pi: 5
Amour: 4
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey: 4
Beasts of the southern Wild: 3
Django Unchained: 3
Moonrise kingdom: 2
Skyfall: 2
The Avengers: 2
Anna Karenina: 2
A Royal Affair: 2
The Dark Knight Rises: 2